

美国杰克逊州立大学 刘和平

2007年04月23日        阅读次数:[]

刘和平(Heping Liu)Ph.D., Assistant ProfessorJackson State University Dept of Physics, Atmos. Sci., & Gen. Sci., Jackson MS, U.S.A.


   Ph. D. Atmospheric Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China (1997).

   M. S. Boundary Layer Meteorology, Peking University, Beijing, China (1993).

   B. S. Atmospheric Measurements, Chengdu Institute of Meteorology, China (1987).



Tenure Track Assistant Professor  January 2004 -

Jackson State University, Department of Physics, Atmospheric Sciences, and General

Sciences, Jackson, Mississippi, U.S.A.

Postdoctoral Fellow  June 2001 to Dec 2003

California Institute of Technology, Division of Geological & Planetary Sci, Pasadena,

California, U.S.A.

Associate Professor  Fall 1999 -

Peking University, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Beijing, China.

Temporary Lecturer  Spring 2001

City University of Hong Kong, Dept of Physics & Materials Science, Hong Kong.

Research Fellow  February 1999 to December 2000

City University of Hong Kong, Dept of Physics & Materials Science, Hong Kong.

Visiting Scientist  December 1997 to February 1999

University of Bayreuth, Dept. of Micrometeorology, Germany.

Assistant Professor  July 1994 to September 1999

Peking University, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, China

Research Assistant  September 1987 to July 1994

Peking University, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, China



Jackson State University

   An Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences

   Physical & Dynamic Climatology


   Research Methods in Atmospheric Sciences

   Weather Observation

   An Introduction to Meteorology

City University of Hong Kong

   Air Pollution" (Lecture language: English)

Peking University, China

   Atmospheric Probing and Measurements

   Environmental Ecosystems



   Boundary Layer Meteorology and Micrometeorology: Measurements and Modeling;

   Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction and its role in climate.



1. Selected List of Peer-reviewed Journal Publications (SCI) (Total: 22)

Randerson, J.T., H.P. Liu , M.G. Flanner, S.D. Chambers, Y. Jin, P.G. Hess, G. Pfister, M.C.

Mack, K.K. Treseder, L.R. Welp, F.S. Chapin, J.W. Harden, M.L. Goulden, E. Lyons, J.C.

Neff, E.A.G. Schuur, and C.S. Zender , 2006,  The impact of boreal forest fire on climate

warming', Science, 341, 1130-1132.

Liu, H. P., J.T. Randerson, J. Lindfors, and W.J. Massman, T. Foken, 2006, 'Consequences

of Incomplete Surface Energy Balance Closure for CO2 Fluxes from Open-path

CO2/H2O Infrared Gas Analyzers', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, DOI

10.1007/s10546-005 -9047-z.

Liu, H.P., 2005: 'An alternative approach for CO2 flux correction caused by heat and water

vapor transfer', Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 115, 151-168.

Liu, H. P., Randerson, J. T., Lindfors, J., Chapin, F. S.: 2005, 'Changes in the surface

energy budget after fire in boreal ecosystems of interior Alaska: an annual perspective',

J. Geophys. Res. 110, D13101, doi:10.1029/2004JD005158.

Liu, H.P. and J.C.L. Chan, 2002: Boundary-Layer dynamics associated with a severe air -

pollution episode in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 36, 2013-2025.

Liu, H.P. and J.C.L. Chan, 2002: An investigation of air-pollutant patterns under sea- land-

breezes during a severe air-pollution episode in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment

36, 591-601.

Liu, H.P., J.C.L. Chan, and A.Y.S. Cheng, 2001: Internal boundary layer structure under

sea-breeze condition in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment 35, 683-692.

Liu, H.P., G. Peters and T. Foken, 2001: New equations for omnidirectional sonic

temperature variance and buoyancy heat flux with a sonic anemometer. Boundary-

Layer Meteorology, 100, 459-468.


2. Selected List of Peer-reviewed Journal Publications In Chinese Journals (Total: 16)

Liu, S.H., H.P. Liu, Y. Hu, C.Y. Zhang, F.M. LIANG, J.H. Wang, 2006, Numerical simulation

of land surface physical processes and land-atmosphere Interaction over oasis-desert

region, Science in China (Series D), 36(1), 1-7.

Liu, S H, H.P. Liu, J. Li, F.M. Liang, J.H. Wang, J.C.L. Chan, A.Y.S. Cheng, F. Hu, H.Z. Liu,

2005, Characteristics of Statistical Quantitical of Atmospheric Turbulence in EBEX-

2000", Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 29(4)

Liu, S H, H.P. Liu, J. Li, F.M. Liang, J.H. Wang, J.C.L. Chan, A.Y.S. Cheng, F. Hu, H.Z. Liu,

2005, Characteristics of Turbulence Dissipation Rates, Length Scales, and Structure

Parameters in EBEX-2000", Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 29(3).

Li, J., S.H. Liu, H.P. Liu, J.C.L., A.Y.S. Cheng, F. Hu, and H.Z. Liu, 2003: Surface imbalance

energy calculated and analyzed with the data of EBEX-2000, Acta Meteorologica

Sinica, 17, 448-463.

Liu, H.P., S.H. Liu and J.G. Sang, 1999: A modified Simple Boisphere Model (SiB) to

simulate momentum, heat and water transfer over various underlying surfaces, Chinese

Journal of Atmospheric Science, 23, 449-461.

Liu, H.P., S.H. Liu and J.G. Sang, 1999: Momentum, heat and water transfer within and

above Changbai mountain forest: Numerical simulation and field measurement,

Quarterly Journal of Meteorology, 57, 715-727.

Liu, S.H., H.P. Liu, M. Xiu and M.Y.Leclerc, 1999: Turbulent dissipation rates above and

within the forest canopy, Science in China (Series D), Vol.28, No. 5, 469-480

Liu, H.P., S.H. Liu, 1997: Turbulence structure characteristics within and above Changbai

mountain forest, Acta Scientiarum Naturealium Universitatis Pekinensis (In

Chinese), 33(2), 246-253.

Liu, H.P. and S.H. Liu, 1997: Determination of aerodynamic parameters of Changbai

mountain forest, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (In Chinese),

33(4), 522-528.

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